October 3, 2024

Chicago Women in Tech Conference


We’re seeking speakers! Submit your application here.

ChiWitCon logo Presented by Women @ Enova logo

ChiWitCon 2024: Fearlessly Forward

Fearlessly forward is a testament to the resilience, innovation and courage of women in the tech industry. We’re celebrating our achievements, confronting challenges head-on and propelling ourselves fearlessly into the future of technology. Find inspiration and empowerment to forge ahead confidently in your tech journey. Together we’ll shatter stereotypes and pave the way to a more inclusive and fearless tech community.


What is ChiWitCon?

The Chicago Women in Tech Conference (ChiWitCon) is a gathering of women professionals, technologists and innovators from Chicago and beyond. Open to all genders across all platforms, ChiWitCon brings the achievements and professional interests of inspiring individuals across tech to the forefront.

What is Women @ Enova?

Women @ Enova (W@E) was launched in 2020 to give female-identifying experts an empowering, approachable network to confide in and prosper professionally with. As an employee-led resource group at Enova, W@E’s strives to empower, attract and support the development of women at Enova and within the Chicagoland community.


Image of Julie Aylmer


Head of Analytics at Conservation Labs


The Old Post Office

433 W Van Buren St, Chicago, IL 60607


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